How Switching Fuel Can Be a Game-Changer for your Commercial Operations
What do we mean by Fuel for Professionals? Sure, the wide-ranging benefits of Aspen apply to everyone, however, professionals are the group with the most to gain by using Aspen. In fact, the original purpose of Aspen was to improve the working conditions and performance for day-to-day equipment operators, whose jobs are dependent on small engines.
Even though there are cleaner alternatives to regular gasoline, many organizations choose to use the same fuel for their equipment as for the car. As a superior fuel, Aspen will help protect your equipment, simplify your routines, and enable you to create a healthier work environment for your team.
The Problem: User Exposure to Harmful Chemicals
Most individuals operating outdoor power equipment can relate to the experience of working close to the exhaust and experiencing some combination of a headache, nausea, red eyes, and throat irritation from exposure to fumes. This is caused by the aromatics and olefins that are found in pump fuel and many other low-quality fuels.
Unlike vehicles and larger engines that have advanced catalytic converters and other systems to reduce emissions and exposure to harmful fumes, small engines emit and place the operator in close range of the exhaust. Selecting a cleaner gasoline is an effective way to compensate for the shortcomings of less advanced engines that we utilize in our day-to-day work.
Gas station gasoline in the U.S. contains “aromatic” chemicals- benzene, toluene, xylene and others. Benzene is a known carcinogen and presumed mutagen, and toluene is a suspected reproductive toxin, along with n-Hexane. These chemicals create risks at very low concentrations and are absorbed into the body via inhalation or via the skin.
Beyond pump gas, most suppliers of pre-packaged ethanol-free gasolines also classify their fuels as containing presumed or suspected carcinogens and suspected reproductive toxins. Our alkylate gasoline is virtually free from these substances. With Aspen, you avoid inhaling these health-hazardous substances, which can otherwise lead to impaired work ability and illness.
For a Better Work Environment
Professionals know why helmets and protective clothing are needed in the field, but few think about the safety and health aspects that come with fuel selection. In the short-term, operating machines with Aspen over traditional fuels will make you feel better. And when you feel better, you can perform better. The long-term exposure is particularly dangerous for professionals as they are constantly working with hand-held machines and are surrounded by the fumes on a daily basis.
A simple, first step to achieving a healthier working environment is to switch to Aspen alkylate gasoline. Your crews will be better off in the long-term as well. This was a huge motivation for Cantingy Park in Wheaton, Illinois in switching to Aspen in mid-2022. According to Forestry Manager Beau Nagan, “These days, I don't choke on the exhaust when I am flushing a large stump. Our organization is always trying to operate as green as possible and take the safety and health of our employees very seriously. Aspen's Alkylate fuel that lacks a lot of the carcinogenic additives of similar products and reduces overall emissions seemed like a no brainer for us.”
Since switching to Aspen, the crews at Cantigny are pleased with the game-changing benefits of alkylate fuel. According to Beau, “[The crews] love it. They won't even use the pump gas anymore. Beyond that, they also don't have to mix the fuel anymore. It's convenient, high performing, and ensures the saws start and run consistently.
Protect your Equipment
One of the biggest benefits of switching to our high quality alkylate gasoline is how much less wear and tear it causes - both on the engine and the people who use it. Running on a clean high-octane fuel, your engines will achieve a cleaner and more complete combustion. Those same harmful compounds that are found in nearly all other gas, namely aromatics and olefins, are harsh on elastomers and cause swelling plastic and rubber components. Most critically, the aromatics will cause significantly more carbon deposits.
While you may save up front by fueling at the pump compared to a high-quality alkylate fuel, you are increasing the likelihood of equipment problems. This directly affects a company’s ability to service customers and increases service and replacement bills. With Aspen, you run much less risk of the engine breaking down, stalling or clogging. Furthermore, as a highly stable, ethanol-free fuel, Aspen will provide for easy starts even if the fuel has been sitting in the tank for extended periods.
After facing equipment problems caused by low quality fuel, Cantigny Park transitioned to using only Aspen fuels in their fleet of saws. According to Beau, “We were having more and more carburetor problems with our saws. Especially due to the ethanol in the pump fuel. It seemed like our chainsaws were spending more time in the shop than in the field. We were also starting to replace older saws and didn't want to have the same problems with the new models. With Aspen, the performance has been fantastic and consistent. I have seen a notable reduction in fuel related maintenance issues.” Simply put, cleaner engines last longer, perform better, and allow you to be more productive.
Alkylate fuel has become the standard in many parts of the world, and the recent introduction of Aspen into the U.S. is a game-changer for organizations ranging from landscapers and tree care companies to municipalities and fire departments. Commercial operations have noticed the following key benefits
1) Reduced equipment maintenance and downtime
2) Longer-lasting engines
3) Eliminate mixing errors
4) Lowered risk and increased productivity
5) Improved worker safety
6) Benefit your customers: less odor, fewer toxic emissions
7) Safe equipment storage
It’s Time to Switch Fuels!